Os informamos que este domingo tenemos una visita guiada en inglés, para personas inglesas o para españoles que quieran mejorar su nivel en este idioma. Visitaremos el Lugar Alto y lo que queda de ello, explicando lo que allí existió en tiempos árabes y cristianos además de otros monumentos.
Esta visita es gratuita, puedes inscribirte a través de la Oficina de Turismo de Abanilla: turismo@abanilla.es ; Tel.: 968 684 075; O a través de este link:
We inform you that this Sunday we have a guided tour in English, for English people or for Spaniards who want to improve their level in this language. We will visit the High Place and what remains of it, explaining what existed there in Arab and Christian times as well as other monuments.
This visit is free, you can register through theTourist Office of Abanilla: turismo@abanilla.es; Tel .: 968 684 075; Or through this link: https://www.murciaturistica.es/es/actividad?ficha=visita-guiada-al-casco-urbano-(en-ingles)0&fecha_desde=13/05/2018&fecha_hasta=13/05/2018&empresa=PRD/10557&arpa=E21255&accion=reservar_ahora&empresa_oferta=oficina-de-turismo-de-abanilla-mt
“In 713 after the Arab invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, Teodomiro signed a pact of submission with Abdelaziz. The Visigoth who governed Orihuela, was converted by this treaty. From then Abanilla depended on Orihuela and was now an integral part of the Cora of Tudmir. In the 12th century the Arabs called it “Al-Banyala” and they protected it with a strength located in the Lugar Alto, of which there are still remains, we will have surprises.”